Using fibers for precast concrete elements

Because of their characteristics, fibers are used for precast elements. They increase the tensile strength and ductility of concrete by improving its behavior under various types of stress, such as bending, fatigue, impact and compression.

Fibers simplify the manufacturing process, eliminating or reducing the need for conventional reinforcement or complex formwork. Control of cracking, ease and speed of installation, multidirectional and homogeneous reinforcement, partial or total replacement of traditional reinforcement, etc. These advantages make fibers a wise choice for reinforcing precast concrete, particularly for applications such as electrical substations, L-shaped walls, retaining walls, facade panels, cladding, beams...

The lightness of composite fibers offers an excellent compromise between high performance, particularly in tensile strength, and reduced structural weight. Replacing steel reinforcement with Michelin  AraNea Composite fibers means considerable savings in raw materials, notably by reducing the thickness of the concrete cover.


Poste de transformation électrique - élément de préfabrication en béton fibré AraNea Composite

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